‘Talking It Out’ with who, when, and why?

When I was at a networking meeting in December I met a woman and the first thing she said to me was “I need to set up a time to talk with you about coaching.  I really need someone to talk to about life.  I don’t need a therapist but someone to just talk to about everything going on as a mom and business owner.”

We had a connecting call and she was clear that she doesn’t want to ruminate about all the problems in life. We will start coaching this month to give her space to talk it out, sort out the busy and overwhelm of life, while implementing a plan to help her love her present moments of life and feel happy about the direction she is moving.

Have you ever felt like you have a lot of thoughts and feelings bubbling up inside of you but you aren’t sure what to do with it? Or you feel like you just have to face it all alone?

Maybe you grew up being taught that your personal world is something you keep to yourself and so you’ve learned you have to internalize everything you think and feel. 

Sometimes people feel so overwhelmed by guilt or shame over something they did and how others might perceive them that they can’t even imagine releasing or talking about what is really going on for them. 

When we internalize and suppress our feelings we increase our risk of greater stress, illness, negative self-thought, isolation, and overwhelm.  Studies have shown that talking or writing about your feelings, thoughts and behaviors has decreased the negative effects in our lives.  Whereas keeping painful secrets is stressful and increases illness. (Penebaker, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser,  1988).

Now I’m not saying that talking it out will fix all of our problems or keep illness away, because it is also true that ruminating or consistently focusing on and talking about the negative in life can keep us stuck and can cause unhealthy impacts on us physically and emotionally.

What I am saying is that having safe spaces to talk and process your thoughts, feelings and experiences allows you to care for yourself and your mental health. Many people value the positive impact eating well and exercising has on their well-being, so let's also value the positive impact of constructively talking problems out. 

It is my mission as a Mindset & Confidence Coach to give that space for others to process, set goals, understand why they do what they do, and experience healthy growth as they acknowledge how their thoughts and feelings effect their lives. As I help others have a safe space to ‘talk it out’, it motivates them to move out of the same ‘ole patterns, to release shame, to find healing, and to confidently move forward toward their dreams and calling.

Comment and let me know how talking it out helps you?  Who do you have in your life creating that safe space for you?

If you know someone who can be encouraged by this, feel free to forward it to them.

With you and for you!

Tami Holladay

I love coaching busy people to simplify life, build intentional habits, and take imperfect action-because done with grace is better than perfect!


February the month of LOVE


Happy Thanksgiving