Ready to supercharge your confidence? It's time to get uncomfortable!

Over the last several weeks, I was launching my new group program which focuses on helping women in life transitions to AWAKEN their confidence. We had our first group session and I made sure to celebrate the participants courage in taking that first step out of their comfort zone. They each faced the unknown, which naturally made them a bit nervous. I applauded them for seeking support as they navigate new life transitions.

Inspired by their bravery, I thought I'd talk with you about moving out of your comfort zone too. We'll explore how staying within our comfort zone can hold us back, and how even the smallest step outside of it can begin to build our confidence.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." – Lao Tzu

Have you ever caught yourself thinking, "I wish I could..." but then talking yourself out of it? That's your comfort zone holding you back.

But guess what? The magic happens when you push past that invisible barrier.

Here's why stepping out of your comfort zone is your secret weapon for building confidence and making changes:

  1. You discover hidden talents: That thing you've always wanted to try? You might be awesome at it!

  2. Your confidence skyrockets: Each new experience is like a confidence booster shot.

  3. You prove yourself wrong (in the best way): Remember all those "I can't" thoughts? Watch them disappear as you tackle new challenges.

  4. You become more adaptable: Change gets easier the more you practice it.

  5. Your dreams start feeling achievable: Taking small steps outside your comfort zone makes bigger goals feel less scary.

Now, I know it can be intimidating. That nervous feeling in your stomach? Totally normal. But here's a secret: that feeling means you're growing.

Let's make this practical. Your takeaway mission (should you choose to accept it):

  1. Identify one thing you've been wanting to do but have been putting off out of fear or uncertainty.

  2. Break it down into tiny, less scary steps.

  3. Commit to taking one of those tiny steps this week.

For example, if you've been dreaming of changing careers, your tiny step might be researching one company in your desired field or updating your LinkedIn profile.

Remember, this isn't about making huge leaps overnight. It's about building the confidence muscle one rep at a time.

I'd love to hear what step you're planning to take. I'm here to cheer you on and provide any support you need.

You've got this!

Tami Holladay

I love coaching busy people to simplify life, build intentional habits, and take imperfect action-because done with grace is better than perfect!

Affirmations, Really?


Unveiling the Truth About Confidence Building