Celebrating Your Wins, Big and Small 🎉

If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you may have seen where I shared in my stories about a new habit I've been working on. (If we aren't connected over there, I would love to have you follow.)

For a long time, I've been neglecting my physical health and not moving my body. Part of that is because I have a frozen shoulder and a hip struggle that keeps me from a lot of the activities I like. But at the end of May, I decided I have to at least do what I can, or I knew I would become immobile before I want to.

I've had this online membership to Pilates workouts since 2020, and my family and I did really well during that year getting on the mat and moving. But slowly, I stopped. I knew this would be something good to do again, so I committed to myself to start with 3 times a week. These workouts are only 10-20 minutes long, so I felt like I could make it happen.

I reflected on it and realized I had to create a challenge for myself. I told myself I had to finish the workout before I went down for my morning coffee and reading. Friend, I love my slow morning routine, but I knew I had to shake it up and do the hard stuff before what I loved. I knew if I left it until later in the day, I would allow all of my other responsibilities and tasks to come first.

I got going and did pretty good. There were a few days where I didn't do it in the morning, and by that point, I loved looking at a tracking calendar. I didn't want to break the chain, so I would do it some evenings at 10 pm... but I got it done! It felt really good to stay committed to myself. and

I love feeling more mobile again, seeing my the progress, and honoring my own commitment.

I don't know about you, but I tend to hold myself to better account with clients, friends, and family than I do with myself. I know a lot of us do that, but friend, we need to shift that. We are just as important, and we need to honor ourselves as well as we do others.

So, let's take a few minutes here and reflect on ways we can grow in this area. Let's explore the importance of celebrating your wins, big and small, and how it can boost your confidence and motivation on your path to unshakable self-belief.

When was the last time you took a moment to celebrate your achievements, no matter how small?

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget to acknowledge how far you've come. So let's look at a few steps you can take, to keep you moving forward:

1. Recognizing Your Progress:
Every step forward, no matter how small, is worthy of celebration. Take some time to reflect on your achievements and acknowledge the progress you've made.

2. Cultivating Gratitude:
Gratitude is the key to abundance. When you cultivate an attitude of gratitude for your accomplishments, you attract more success into your life. Take a moment each day to express gratitude for your wins, and watch as your confidence and self-belief grow.

3. Building Momentum:
Celebrating your wins isn't just about patting yourself on the back; it's about staying motivated and pushing forward. Each time you celebrate a win, you reinforce the belief that you're capable of achieving your goals, fueling your confidence and determination.

4. Sharing Your Success:
Don't be afraid to share your successes with others. Your achievements inspire and motivate those around you, creating a ripple effect of positivity and empowerment. For example, after I posted about my new habit in my stories, someone DM'd me to say I inspired them to shift a few things in their own morning routine. I don't share to boast or anything like that; I share to hold myself accountable and to encourage others that the steps they take and the progress they make are worth celebrating too.

5. Creating a Culture of Celebration:
Make celebrating your wins a regular part of your routine. Create a "victory log" where you jot down your wins, big and small, and take a moment to celebrate each one. Whether it's treating yourself to a special indulgence or simply acknowledging your progress with a pat on the back, find ways to celebrate your achievements and bask in the glow of your success.

So, are you ready to start celebrating your wins, big and small, on your path to unshakable confidence? 

Here's a quick challenge for you:
Before you close your browser, take 30 seconds to write down one thing you've accomplished today, no matter how small. Celebrate that win!

And remember, when self-doubt creeps in (because it happens to all of us), pause and recall a recent win. It's a powerful reminder of your capabilities and can help shift your mindset. 

Even if you feel like it’s something small; maybe you organized your desk drawer. It might seem trivial, but it was probably a task you’d been putting off for weeks, and completing it felt amazing, so let’s celebrate!!

Reach out and share with me that win! I'd love to hear what you're proud of accomplishing. 🥳

With warmth and encouragement,

P.S. I'm excited to announce that I'll be running another 'Be You, Be Confident' 8-week program in September. In this transformative process, we'll dive deeper into strategies for building your self-belief, including more ways to celebrate your unique path and overcome self-doubt.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your confidence and personal growth.

If you're ready to transform how you see yourself and unlock your full potential sign up to receive all the info below.

Tami Holladay

I love coaching busy people to simplify life, build intentional habits, and take imperfect action-because done with grace is better than perfect!


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